Sat. Jul 27th, 2024

Dhruv Rathee on Our Prime Minister Narendra Modi

Dhruv Rathee, narendra Modi

Dhruv Rathee is an Indian YouTuber, political commentator, and social activist known for his YouTube channel where he discusses a wide range of socio-political issues. He gained popularity for his in-depth analysis of current affairs, political events, and government policies, often offering a critical perspective on various aspects of Indian society and governance.

Rathee’s content typically focuses on topics such as government policies, environmental conservation, electoral politics, and social justice issues. He is known for his research-based approach and often backs his arguments with data and evidence.

Over the years, Dhruv Rathee has amassed a significant following on social media platforms, particularly on YouTube, where he has millions of subscribers. His videos have sparked debates and discussions among viewers, and he has become a prominent voice in the Indian online space, particularly among the youth.

Rathee’s work is characterized by his efforts to promote transparency, accountability, and civic engagement in Indian democracy. He encourages his audience to question authority, seek information, and actively participate in the democratic process.

Overall, Dhruv Rathee is regarded as an influential figure in the realm of online activism and political discourse in India, known for his informative and thought-provoking content.

Dhruv Rathee, a prominent Indian YouTuber and social commentator, has produced several videos critiquing the policies and actions of Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Rathee’s analysis often delves into various aspects of Modi’s governance, ranging from economic policies to social issues and political strategies.

Dhruv Rathee

Furthermore, Rathee analyzes Modi’s political rhetoric and communication strategies, highlighting their influence on public perception and electoral outcomes. He examines Modi’s use of social media, speeches, and public appearances to shape his image and rally support, offering a critical perspective on the manipulation of narratives for political gain.

In one of his video released on 22nd Feb, 2024, he expressed

Does the essence of democracy linger within our nation’s framework? This inquiry bears significant weight. While some may swiftly retort in negation, asserting the omnipresence of democracy due to our electoral system’s semblance, the matter is far more intricate. The revelations I shall unveil herein shall be nothing short of startling. Post-viewing, you’ll be compelled to delve deeper into this quandary. Though, for those who venerate PM Modi as a divine entity, veiling their eyes from reality may pose a challenge. However, for the discerning audience genuinely invested in our nation’s welfare, this exposition holds paramount importance.

It transcends a singular incident, delving into a series of occurrences spanning months, if not years. Each event inexorably directs our nation towards a monolithic political landscape. The obliteration of opposition voices from media platforms, the procurement of legislators through dubious means, the subversion of elected authorities via legislative overreach, the instrumentalization of investigative agencies, the coercion and incarceration of dissenting politicians by enforcement bodies, the gubernatorial intrusion into state affairs, the financial asphyxiation of regional governments, the suppression of citizens’ right to protest, met with hostility if exercised, the veiling of financial contributions through electoral bonds, and even election subversion to usurp victory from legitimate winners.

A plea to PM Modi: exhibit a modicum of decorum! But before delving into the topic of democracy, it behooves us to comprehend its essence. It’s a fundamental concept often misconstrued. Merely holding periodic elections doesn’t suffice to classify a nation as democratic. Consider North Korea, where elections are conducted albeit in a coercive manner, with dissenters facing dire repercussions. Even Russia, though holding elections, taints the process through disqualifications or dubious demises of opposing candidates. Elections must be both free, ensuring the populace’s autonomy in selecting representatives, and fair, providing equitable opportunities for all contenders.

Recent events, such as the Chandigarh Mayor elections, underscore the fragility of our democratic fabric. Despite a clear alliance majority, irregularities marred the process, with CCTV evidence capturing malfeasance. BJP’s subsequent claim of victory amid glaring electoral malpractice epitomizes an unprecedented erosion of democratic norms. Chief Justice’s denouncement as a “democratic homicide” underscores the severity of the issue. Similarly, instances of EVM tampering in Assam and attempted theft in Pune epitomize the pervasiveness of electoral malfeasance, undermining the sanctity of our democratic exercise.

The purported guardians of democracy, our electoral watchdogs, face allegations of partiality and collusion. Accusations of prejudicial conduct have plagued the Election Commission for years, with accusations of bias towards the ruling party. Instances of flouting directives, such as invoking the armed forces for electoral gains, met with tepid reprimands, if any, exemplify the erosion of institutional independence. Notably, dissenting voices within the commission, like Ashok Lavasa, faced retribution, raising concerns over institutional integrity.

Constitutional safeguards meant to ensure institutional autonomy face subversion, exemplified by recent legislative amendments diluting the election commissioner selection process. The overt politicization of oversight mechanisms jeopardizes democratic integrity, rendering them mere instruments of partisan interests. Financial improprieties further tarnish electoral integrity, as evidenced by BJP’s egregious overspending, facilitated by opaque electoral bond mechanisms.

Political machinations extend beyond electoral manipulation, manifesting in wholesale legislative obstructionism and executive overreach. Opposition-led governments face gubernatorial interference, stifling governance and impeding policy implementation. Instances of coercion through investigative agencies, aimed at quelling dissent, erode democratic norms, fostering a culture of fear and subjugation.

Media, touted as democracy’s bulwark, now serves as a propaganda apparatus, amplifying ruling party narratives while stifling dissent. Anchors morph into government mouthpieces, relegating their watchdog role to oblivion. Independent voices, like NDTV, face acquisition and suppression, emblematic of media’s silent capitulation.

A disconcerting conflation of democracy with majoritarianism pervades public discourse, with the tyranny of the majority eclipsing minority rights. Instances of societal discrimination, sanctioned by elected bodies, underscore the erosion of democratic values at grassroots levels. The sacrosanct principles of liberty, equality, and justice, enshrined in our Constitution, face systemic erosion, threatening the very essence of democracy.

In a true democracy, accountability reigns supreme, upheld by an independent judiciary, free press, and vigilant citizenry. However, the paucity of press conferences and evasion of unscripted questioning by our leaders epitomize a democracy in crisis. The erosion of institutional checks and balances, compounded by media subservience, poses an existential threat to democratic ideals.

The recent farmer protests epitomize citizens’ defiance against authoritarian overreach, underscoring the potency of collective action in safeguarding democratic principles. However, the draconian suppression of dissent, epitomized by police brutality and media blackout, underscores the precarious state of our democracy.

In conclusion, the question of democracy’s vitality looms large. The creeping authoritarianism, electoral malfeasance, institutional erosion, and media subservience portend a grim future. It behooves us, as citizens, to safeguard democratic ideals, for if we fail to act, the death knell of democracy may toll sooner than we anticipate.

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